Owens, Patricia (1975-)

Βιβλιογραφικά στοιχεία

  • n 2007022436
  • 0000 0001 2119 7373
  • Patricia Owens joined Sussex in 2011 after holding previous positions in London and Oxford (where she recieved a teaching excellence award). Her most recent book, Economy of Force: Counterinsurgency and the Historical Rise of the Social, will be published in the Studies in International Relations series of Cambridge University Press series in 2015. A special section of Security Dialogue will be dedicated to the book and The Disorder of Things will host a symposium later this year. Owens' first book, Between War and Politics: International Relations and the Thought of Hannah Arendt (Oxford, 2007) and was the subject of a roundtable in the journal International Politics. Owens is currently co-editor of European Journal of International Relations; a Senior Research Associate at the Oxford programme on the Changing Character of War and on the editorial board of Security Dialogue. She is also co-editor of the leading undergraduate textbook in IR, The Globalization of World Politics (Oxford, 2013), now in its 6th edition and translated into Arabic, French, Korean, Polish, Greek, Turkish, Slovene, and Macedonian. She has held a number of prestigious fellowships and competitive awards including at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard; a Visiting Professorship at UCLA; the Seton-Watson Research Fellowship at Oriel College, Oxford; the Jane Eliza Proctor Research Fellowship at Princeton University; a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Southern California, and a Visiting Scholarship at UC-Berkeley, supported by a grant from the Social Science Research Council. Owens holds graduate degrees from Cambridge and Aberystwyth.

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