Abrams, Lynn (1960-)

Βιβλιογραφικά στοιχεία

Φωτογραφία προσώπου
  • I am primarily an historian of gender and gender relations from the late 18th century to the present in Britain (including Scotland) and Europe. Within this field my interests range from the emergence of a modern female self in the late twentieth century to the history of masculinities in Scotland. I have also researched and published in the field of oral history theory and practice, the history of childhood and child welfare, the history of knitted textiles and the history of everyday life in twentieth century Scotland with particular focus on housing. I have published books on gender in Shetland, on women in nineteenth century Europe, on oral history theory and on high-rise housing in Glasgow (see publications tab). My current research projects address postwar womanhood in Britain and, separately, the history of knitted textiles in Scotland.

    University of Glasgow