Βιβλιογραφικά στοιχεία
- 280245 ⟶ Baecker, Dirk, (1955-)
- 261346031 ⟶ Baecker, Dirk, 1955-
Prof. Dr. Dirk Baecker is a sociologist and holds the chair of Culture Theory and Management at the University of Witten/Herdecke. He studied systems theory with Niklas Luhmann and received his doctorate and habilitation at the University of Bielefeld. Numerous publications in the fields of sociological theory, culture theory, economic sociology and organisation research. His most recent publications are: 4.0 or Die Lücke die der Rechner lässt (Merve, 2018), Intelligenz, künstlich und komplex (Merve, 2019), Wozu Wirtschaft? (Metropolis, 2020). For papers in English language see Social Sience Research Network
At the HIIG he is an associated researcher in the field of Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society.