Βιβλιογραφικά στοιχεία
14 Μαρτίου 1938
27 Φεβρουαρίου 1998
- n50032652 ⟶ LCName Authority File
- Q3295459 ⟶ Wikidata
- 76330968 ⟶ Virtual International Authority File
- James Martin Hollis, philosopher: born London 14 March 1938; Lecturer (1967), Senior Lecturer (1972), Professor of Philosophy (1981), University of East Anglia, Norwich; editor of Ratio (1980-7); Dean of School of Economic and Social Studies (1983-6); Pro-Vice-Chancellor (1992-5); FBA (1990); married 1965 Patricia Wells, now Baroness Hollis of Heigham (two sons); died Norwich 27 February 1998. Publications include: Rational Economic Man (with E.J. Nell), 1975; Models of Man, 1977; Invitation to Philosophy, 1985, The Cunning of Reason, 1988; Explaining and Understanding International Relations (with S. Smith), 1990; Trust within Reason, 1998.