Βιβλιογραφικά στοιχεία
Κοινωνική Πολιτική
- n 83231246 ⟶ Spicker, Paul
- GR-AtEVE-A341458 ⟶ Spicker, Paul
- 10071002 ⟶ Spicker, Paul
- 0000 0001 1044 6792 ⟶ Spicker, Paul
- VIAF ID: 22316319 (Personal) ⟶ Spicker, Paul, 1954-
Μεγάλη Βρετανία
- Professor Paul Spicker holds the Grampian Chair of Public Policy at the Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland. He has written widely in the field of social policy, having published sixteen books, several shorter works and over 80 academic papers. His work on housing and welfare rights is based in his early career; since then, his research has included studies related to benefit delivery systems, the care of old people, psychiatric patients, housing management and local anti-poverty strategy. He has also been a consultant on social welfare in practice, having done work for a range of agencies at local, national and international levels. He is also a Fellow of CROP, the International Social Science Council’s Comparative Research Programme on Poverty. ⟶ ORCID